Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone: A Complete Overview and Guide

Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone
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In the bustling landscape of publishing and creative industries, Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone has emerged as a vibrant hub for publishers, authors, and media professionals. Located in the cultural capital of the United Arab Emirates, Sharjah, this specialized free zone offers a conducive environment for the growth and expansion of the publishing industry. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone, exploring its benefits, services, and the step-by-step process of setting up a business within this dynamic ecosystem.


Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone: An Introduction

Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone is the world’s first publishing and printing free zone dedicated to the publishing industry. Established in 2017, it aims to foster creativity, facilitate collaboration, and provide a supportive infrastructure for publishers, authors, and related businesses. The free zone offers a wide range of services, including licensing, visa support, office spaces, and state-of-the-art printing and production facilities. With its strategic location, excellent connectivity, and a strong emphasis on intellectual property rights, Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone has quickly become a preferred destination for local and international publishing companies.


Benefits of Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone

  • 100% Ownership: Companies registered in Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone can enjoy 100% foreign ownership, providing entrepreneurs with complete control over their businesses.
  • Tax Incentives: One of the major advantages of setting up a business in Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone is the absence of corporate and personal income taxes, making it an attractive choice for publishers looking for tax efficiency.
  • Licensing Options: The free zone offers various licensing options tailored to different publishing activities, including publishing, printing, distribution, and translation services. This flexibility allows businesses to choose the license that best suits their specific needs.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone places a strong emphasis on protecting intellectual property rights, ensuring that publishers’ works are safeguarded and their rights are respected.
  • Collaborative Environment: The free zone provides a vibrant ecosystem where publishers, authors, and creative professionals can network, collaborate, and explore new opportunities. This supportive community fosters innovation and promotes the growth of the publishing industry.


Setting Up a Business in Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone

  1. Determine Business Activity: The first step is to identify the specific publishing activity you wish to undertake within Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone, whether it is book publishing, magazine production, or any other related service.
  2. Choose the Right License: Choose the appropriate license category based on your business activity. Consult with the free zone authorities or a business setup consultant to understand the specific requirements and regulations associated with each license.
  3. Prepare the Necessary Documents: Gather the required documents, which typically include passport copies, proof of address, company profile, business plan, and relevant educational or professional certifications.
  4. Lease Office Space: Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone offers flexible office spaces to suit various business sizes and requirements. Choose a suitable office and complete the leasing formalities.
  5. Submit Application and Documentation: Submit the application form along with the required documents to the free zone authorities. Pay the necessary fees as stipulated by the free zone.
  6. Visa and Immigration: Once the company is registered, you can proceed with the visa and immigration process for yourself and any employees. The free zone authorities will guide you through the necessary steps to obtain the required visas and permits.



Sharjah Publishing City FreeZone presents an enticing opportunity for publishers and creative professionals to establish and grow their businesses in a dynamic and supportive environment. With its array of benefits, state-of-the-art facilities, and focus on intellectual property protection, Sharjah Publishing City is poised to shape the future of the publishing industry in the region. Contact us today!

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